Achieve Healthy, Beautiful and Uniformed Locks through retightening. Locks are low maintenance but you must maintain regular retightening for the best possible results.

Ongoing Follow-up Visits – Retightening is done only on the new growth. Its recommended that you schedule your first few retightening visits at 4-6 week intervals. This way the progress of your locks can be easily monitored. As your locks mature, we will be able to determine how often you will need to come in for re-tightening on a regular basis. The average time between visits can be 4-7 weeks, depending on the hair type and growth rate.

A $35 non-refundable deposit is required to schedule your retightening. The deposit will be applied to your retightening balance.


***Full Payment for Services are due at the time of service. Checks or Money Orders are not accepted. ***

Sisterlocks™ Retightening:

Regular Retightening (4-7 weeks) = flat rate $135 (up to 4 hrs.) then $35 per hour … after the flat rate.

Retightening at 8+ weeks = $40 per hour (no flat rate)

Interlocks Retightening:

Interlocking Retightening depends on lock size and hair texture.

Retightening = $35 per hour (no flat rate)