Do you prefer larger locks? Interlocks on average are the size of a pencil when matured or larger depending on hair texture and density.

***NOTE*** Interlocks are created and maintained by the Interlocking Method. A tool is used. NO products are used, twisting, braiding or palm rolling.

The Consultation ( $50 non-refundable) – Hair needs to be in its natural state, free of braids, no products and freshly shampooed. Plan to spend about 30-45 minutes during this session. An analysis will be done on your hair. We will discuss your hair history, styling preferences, what to expect during the locking process, what is required for maintenance and establishment price.

A non-refundable deposit is required to schedule the establishment. The deposit is 50% of your quoted establishment price. The deposit and consultation fee will be applied to the establishment balance. Checks are not accepted. The quoted establishment price is based on your current length and is valid for 28 days from the date of your initial consultation. Please keep in mind, if you had your consultation but did not schedule an appointment for your establishment, you will be required to have another consultation if you later decide to get Interlocks.

The Establishment Session  – The locking process can take from 9 -15 hours or even longer in some cases depending on hair length and density (Amount of time/days may vary). Prior to the establishment session, we ask that you thoroughly shampoo your hair using your normal shampoo (24 hours prior to establishment). Do not blow dry, apply any oils, or conditioners. Be sure to schedule your follow-up visit before you leave. Good maintenance is the key to gorgeous Locks over time. You can bring your own form of entertainment.

Follow-up Visit – This visit should be scheduled after at least two shampoos, 3-4 weeks from the date of your Establishment Session. We will analyze the integrity of your locks, re-tighten the new growth and discuss your regular retightening rate.